Sunday, June 26, 2011

43rd IChO 2011 Ankara, Turkey is coming soon!

Oh my. It is finally coming in 2 weeks time. Our delegation this year is truly a 1Malaysia team. I hope that they can further showcase the Malaysian culture to the world. Besides that, hopefully they can outperform their predecessors with the best performance so far of a silver medal. I hereby wish them all the best and have fun in Ankara! ^^


  1. May I know who are those 4 people? I just really curios to know. Can you list their names and learning institutions?

  2. It'll be announced officially on the IChO site soon... Anyway, I'm curious to know, who is this asking?

  3. but when? this is just a person who loves orchestra, debate and science field very much. can you just reveal it, or is it too personal or top-secret in the government?? please asap...

  4. Is it really that important to know who they are? This is because I feel I'm not in the position to announce their name publicly before IChO does on its official website. If you are really eager to know, get me on fb. Just leave you fb name and I'll contact you on fb. Thanks.

  5. Look, I have a page in facebook where some of the people that are going to participate on the IChO 2011 have meet already. It´s name is "43rd IChO Ankara, Turkey 2011". Please if you´re anyway related to this event just ask it and you will enter the group. And if you can contribute to other people can enter this group, please do it.

  6. Yes. IT involves my colleague. Why you feel that you are not in the position to tell their names? You are the one who first publicized this article on this particular blog. But, it turns out that you are some sort of unsure whether to tell their names or not. It is quite ironical when someone tells a news, they refuse to elaborate a little bit of truth even they know that it is not jeopardizing their lives.

    Guess you can just reveal their name? Besides the competiton would start this Saturday, 9th of July. This coming Saturday. Please, I beg you, just tell their name,it is not that hard and SINFUL or IRRESPONSIBLE. Just spread the news so that we can support them by knowing that they are Malaysians as well.

  7. hi. I came to your blog by chance when I search questions on chemistry using google. I am a pre-u student who loves chemistry. May I have your email address? I would like to ask you some questions on K3M. thanks much.

  8. Dear Cuba Team
    I'm glad to do so. Thank you for the effort. All the best and may the Olympiad spirit be carried on!

    Dear Anonymous 1
    Thank you for your comment. I'll do so in my coming post this Sunday anyway. I can easily tell you but I don't feel like it because I don't really like people who comment as anonymous. At the very least, please use a pseudonym or something. If you had introduced yourself (at least your own learning institution) and told me that it involves your colleague earlier, I might have already told you about them.

    Dear Anonymous 2
    Happy that you had landed here. Please introduce yourself and give me your email address through a comment. I'll not publish it for your privacy sake and will contact you soon! ^^

  9. to brian,

    never mind. i already know them. HAMIZUL AFIQ and WAN AFIF,right?. congrats to them. i guess it will be 2 malays,1 chinese and 1 indian because you said it was a 1 malaysia team. so this would match with your post.

    I wonder who are another 2, chinese and indian?

    Anyway, congratz to HAMIZUL AFIQ and WAN AFIF. You guys are definitely chemistry prodigies. Hope you can bring the medals back to malaysia.

    1.MIZUL.....cekang gila budak ni... pun rajin gak baca buku...
    3.Chinese....congratz. hope anyone can reveal the name.pandainya bebudak ni
    4.Indian.....congratz. harap2 tahulah nama diorang ni...hebatlah minda depa ni...

    IF you deny their names, I guess I have the wrong information.
    Thanks by the way for letting me know about this whole ICHO stuff.

  10. Dear Anonymous

    This is the 3rd reply from me and I still have to address you as anonymous... Haha... You never fail to amuse me... I guess most probably you're from PASUM? Biology? Nice to meet you.
